The right plan. The right options. The right price.

Employee Group Benefits

Designed for wellbeing.

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Annual Renewals and Plan Reviews

We use annual renewals as an opportunity to evaluate the cost of benefits as a function of claims experience and shifting market forces. We use this information to negotiate fair renewals.
We are confident in our ability to negotiate strong rates for our clients or alternatively to explore self-insured options. We welcome any opportunities to review plans/renewals for prospective clients.

Plan Marketing

We work with our clients to determine the appropriate times to take benefits plans to market. We price across the marketplace and we use an objective matrix to analyze differences between providers and make recommendations.

Surveying and Benchmarking

We use annual renewals and plan marketing activities as opportunities to gather benchmarking data and perform market surveys for our clients. We use big data technology to collect, compare and rank coverage across industries, provinces and group sizes. We use this information to make plan design recommendations.

Self-Insured Arrangements (hybrid or full ASO)

We help our clients analyze historical claims data to determine when and where self-insured/ASO funding arrangements will be beneficial. We have a strong historical success rate of using this model to reduce costs for plan sponsors and plan members alike.

Employee Assistance Programs (EFAPs)

With so many Employee Family Assistance Programs out there, it can be difficult for plan sponsors to know if they have made the right choice for their plan members. We used a formal interview process to collect information about the individual strengths and niche offerings provided by the various EFAPs in Canada. We use this information to select the best provider based on the client’s unique need.

Health Spending Accounts and Cost-Plus

When advising clients on Health Spending Accounts, we first analyze the client’s plan design and various extended health and dental benefit line claims. This enables us to advise our clients of the ideal time, amount and plan member classification for a Health Spending Account. An appropriately implemented HSA will save on claims and will serve as an employee recruitment/retainment strategy.

We regularly work with business owners to implement cost-plus accounts for their use. Not only is this advantageous from a tax perspective, but it helps owners keep their own claims down.

Voluntary Benefits

We work with clients to launch voluntary benefits for plan members. Voluntary benefits give clients the opportunity to enhance their employee benefits, while ensuring that they do not incur additional insurance liabilities. We assist with plan member education, communication, and we use an online enrolment platform that guarantees a hassle-free experience for plan administrators and plan members alike.

Cost Containment and Risk Management

We work with clients to analyze potential future liabilities in their plan design. We proactively evaluate future risk and advise on various means of future-proofing.

Claimant Advocacy

We advocate on behalf of plan members to assist with access to specialty drugs and applying for disability and critical illness benefits.


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